Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Contrada Dinner/ Il cena dei un contrada!

Wow, we did it!! We made it back to Tuscany after months of planning and communications. This time it will be a shorter visit but filled with so much adventure and time with old friends.....

       With only our second day in, we hit the ground running,  jet-lagged and driving toward Siena! We had the fortune of Lele, a dear friend to offer us his apartment in Volterra while we get settled and ready to go to our first home exchange location in Val d'orcia.
       We visited Siena with the help of Deborah Larsen and her friends Anisa with Eugenio. You see, we were planning to join one contrada to celebrate the upcoming Palio by attending their lovely dinner.  As mentioned in a pervious posting, Il Palio is the centuries old 90-second, bareback horserace that takes place twice each summer in Siena.
       I must say, we had a fabulous time. But I felt like a spy setting up a secret meeting place to get tickets from a gentleman of the Contrada, Civetta (the owl contrada) . We had a meeting time and special spot nearby the pillar in Piazza Tolomei. I was informed by Anisa, that it is not often that tourists are welcomed into this contrada. It was a special honor to be welcomed there. Nevertheless, the contrada dinner went on, a bit late, close to 9:45 as there was a brawl that broke out in Il Campo the city square, between members of this contrada and their rival, the unicorn contrada. ( not so uncommon). When we arrived, we witnessed contrada, women and children. donning banderas around their necks that represent the colors and symbolic animal, Civetta. So much pride!  So glad we remembered to wear contrada colors: black and red rather than their rival's colors orange and white. The tables were being set for the evening as they had all walked from the city center after watching a trial run of the horserace. Excitement is building for the big race day on Thursday!  During the meal comprised of penne arrabiata, penned Bianco, Rosemaried potatoes and pork roast with rosemary and finishing with creamy canoli desserts, we could not help but feel loved with homemade chianti all around and singing men and women so passionate about this traditional competitive time! What a joy! What an experience! We hope the Civetta win tomorrow!


as we were seated, we introduced ourselves to many of the residents of the Civette contrada. They were very nice but curious how we were invited. We explained that Eugenio invited us and provided us with our tickets. Turns out, Eugenio is a well known restauranteur in the city. There were no questions after that. Whew!

As the dinner went on, we got to know a local family doctor, Antonio. He was friendly and shared many stories with us!

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